December Ordinances, Resolutions, and Agendas

General Ordinance 15, 2013

Amending City Code, Chapter 8, Deleting various Flashing Intersection Control Beacon locations and School Speed Zones and Creating Specific Truck Routes and Amending Street Names in Specific Truck Routes schedule

Appropriation 29, 2013

$135,000.00 from Police Pension #0703 to Retired Dependants, #412.069 for $90,000.00 and to Employer Group Health, #413.030 for $45,000.00

Appropriation 30, 2013

$316,315.00 from Motor Vehicle Highway #0201 to Services Contractual #432.010 for $300,000.00 and to Purchase of Equipment, #444.010 for $16,315.00

Appropriation 31, 2013

$277,000.00 from Cumulative Capital Development #0402 to Services Contractual #432.010 for $300,000.00 and to Purchase of Equipment, #444.010 for $150,000.00

Appropriation 35, 2013

$80,518.30 from EDIT #0404 to Brownfield Petroleum Grant, #432.029 for $17,741.78 and to Brownfield Hazardous Grant, #432.031 for $62,776.52

Appropriation 37, 2013

$5,329,304.00 from Wastewater Treatment #0620 to Capital Improvement, #460.502 for $550,000.00 and to Debt Service Reserve, #460.003 for $1,498,504.00 and to Bond & Interest, #460.006 for $3,280,800.00