The Information Technology department is comprised of the Chief Information Officer, a Citizen Engagement/Communication Specialist, a project manager, two software technicians, and a system administrator. This talented and hard-working group of individuals is responsible for all aspects of Terre Haute's information technology infrastructure. Created by former mayor Judy Anderson as the result of a reorganization of what was previously the Data Processing department, the Information Technology department centralizes technology skills and responsibility within the city creating a single organization to support city government.

     The IT staff supports over 700 users. The network is comprised of nearly 500 computers in over 20 locations throughout the city. These computers run the software systems that provide the core services of our city including payroll and accounting, GIS (geographic information system), e-mail, equipment and vehicle maintenance, inventory management, electronic door security, and this website. The Information Technology department also provides support and consulting services in a variety of other technical areas, as well as on-call technical support services 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

The Information Technology Department is located in rooms 203 and 204 on the second floor of the City Hall, 17 Harding Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.

Larry Wetnight
Chief Information Officer

[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

Nick Chalos
Project Manager / Analyst
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

Eve Friedman-Dekro
Communication Coordinator
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2306

Jason Fields
Technology Support Specialist
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

John Natale
Technology Support Specialist
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

Derrick Denton
Systems Administrator I
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

Christopher Garner
Website Administrator
[email protected]
Telephone: 812-244-2317

Helpdesk: [email protected]